Trip Report - Day 4 - Trunk and Zozos

Travel discussion for St. John
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Trip Report - Day 4 - Trunk and Zozos

Post by pswlrw »

Day Four – Trunk and Zozos.
Today we all head to Trunk and enjoy a fabulous, amazingly relaxing day at the beach. I read an entire book!! When’s the last time that happened in one sitting?? Ahhhhh. The water was still a little rough, but there was plenty of beach to be had and good times all around. And did I mention my daughter was with me!!


Greg, my nephew/hero, set up his chair and walked directly into the water where he was immediately hit by a wave that viciously stole his glasses! Many a brave snorkeler looked for over an hour, but the glasses were gone. Tip: The eye care place next to Dolphin Market was able to make him a pair of glasses in less than 2 hours! And, he got exactly the frame he had wanted for less than he would have paid in the states! Apparently, the Trunk Bay gods were actually working for him.


We head back to the villa, hop in the pool for our ritual after beach cocktail swim and then all get ready for our dinner at Zozos!! Again, I apologize for the lack of pictures – damn that BJ’s Bistro. We didn’t have a great sunset, but the view is always outstanding from the bar where we enjoyed our pre-dinner cocktails and met up with the rest of our party. There were 11 of us for dinner and John, the owner, sent out an amazing array of appetizers for the table. In the interest of full disclosure, John is a friend, but I believe that everyone that walks through the door at Zozo’s gets the same great, attentive service and wonderful food! There were peppers stuffed two ways - one had seafood and one had a ground veal mousse concoction that was AMAZING. There was a homemade pasta dish with sausage, brocillini and cherry tomotoes and a seafood stew. Our entrees ran the gamit from steak au poivre (my daughter says that years from now she will still dream of that steak), to the fresh fish of the day (wahoo) and the Veal Porterhouse (yummmmmy). As I was walking outside to have an after dinner smoke, John steered me back to the table. The waiters came out with chocolate lava cake complete with birthday candle and we had a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday. Wow, turning 50 doesn’t seem so bad right now! More waiters appeared with a variety of desserts and we passed them around the table, family style, just the way we like it. Another FABULOUS dinner at Zozos.

We were all so incredibly full from our feast, that we just headed back to the villa and slumped into food comas.

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