Day 9: Maho, Coral Bay Cones, Date Night with the Pias

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Day 9: Maho, Coral Bay Cones, Date Night with the Pias

Post by flip-flop »

Day 9: Bacon, Bagels and Beach. Sweet Plantains with the Pias!

I simply can't believe how fast our time is flying by. It's already our next to next to the last day :( For those who don't speak Flip-Flop we have two full days left and we are gonna make the most of them. It's officially Saturday! We've been on St. John a full week and still it feels like we just got there and have been there forever all at the same time. Like a heavenly time warp.

Again I woke to the wafting of bacon through the cottage. Mmmmmmm.....and coffee. That hubby is a keeper. I had almost overdosed on bagels by this point, so I had picked up some yogurt. I felt the need to have at least one non-carb per day! Breakfast consisted of bacon, just bacon, for the little guy. Bacon and eggs for daddy. Bacon, yogurt and a bagel for me. Cereal for the girl.

Knowing it was our 2nd to last day we packed up for the beach - towels, sunscreen, book, snacks, sammiches and, of course beverages - Gaterade for the girl. Apple juice for the boy. Sprite Zero +malibu for me. Malibu and coke for the hubs. We were set for a long day at the beach.

Maho LOVE again. Seriously, I know its a little boring, but I love Maho. It really is the perfect beach. You park right there, so there is no real distance to lug anything. There is plenty of shade. The water is no higher than a kid's shoulders a good 50 feet out. Calm, beautiful, simple, perfect Maho. This is why in our family its known as Maaahhhhhhhhho, emphasis on the ahhhhhhh....

One Happy Girl

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 69a860.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt=""></a>

Just keep swimming...he was determined to be like his SIS

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... d92311.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt=""></a>

One happy relaxed hubby

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... b20b06.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt=""></a>

Even Beach Bunny got in on the relaxation

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 5085e2.jpg" width="500" height="359" alt=""></a>

Belly Flop and me having a heart to heart

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 0e510b.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt=""></a>

Me & the two kids I am lucky to have call me Mama

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 0423d6.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt=""></a>

Soon everyone was busy doing a whole lot of nothing...except Belly Flop. I think we may have a future engineer on our hands.

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 1bf101.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt=""></a>

I know I am beating a dead horse at this point but dayyyyum Maho is beautiful

<a href="" title="Maho...again by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 85c81d.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Maho...again"></a>

I had retreated to my chair with a book with a view

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 83c6da.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt=""></a>

Our Spongebob Sand Sculpture. And by "our" I mean my husband did this. I am responsible for organization of the chaos, he is the chief digger/sculptor/designer. I buy the tools, he does the work. Life on vacation very much resembles life at home.

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... f18778.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt=""></a>

Busy Boy

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 8dcede.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt=""></a>

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 5c9964.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt=""></a>

Note the new hat. My favorite long-time Belly Flop Green hat was a wee bit small this trip so we invested in a new hat from Pink Papaya.

Then - 2009

<a href="" title="My Favorite Shot! by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 1381f5.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="My Favorite Shot!"></a>

Now - 2011

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 38dddb.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt=""></a>

Sometimes I can trick myself into thinking they are not really growing up but then a hat won't fit or a pair of pants is 3 inches too short overnight and I realize I am just deluding myself. There was a family near by on this day with teen sons. I couldn't help but think I know I will blink and my kiddos will be there! SLOOOOOOW down, people!

This boy was on a mission.

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 8b6020.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt=""></a>

Today Mini Flip-Flop had her first BIG snorkeling reward. There was a very annoying lady on the beach with her three kids. She didn't talk, she yelled in this kind of sing songy voice. Very loudly. Anyway, that goodness for her because of course as soon as she saw the turtle her sons and EVERYONE ELSE ON THE BEACH knew about it. Annoying yes, useful ... also yes. We headed out and sure enough my little girl got to see her first turtle. He was feeding and she thought it was the coolest thing ever. "Mama that's my first real encounter with marine life!" (she's a geek in training). Nevermind she'd seen 1000 fish, they didn't count. The turtle was on a whole new level.

Eventually we got hungry and enjoyed our Pbjs on the beach. 4 hours or more later we decided it was time to pack it in.

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... c6cc35.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt=""></a>

Bye Maho for now...but definitely not forever.

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 3e918d.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt=""></a>

Post-Sun, we decided to head to Coral Bay Cones for an ice cream treat for all. French vanilla with sprinkles for Mini Flip-Flop, Belly doesn't really like ice cream (I know, right?!?) so he picked out a nice packet of skittles, Mama was getting sleepy and wasn't likely to get a nap so I ordered a frozen caramel latte. We were all quite pleased. I also picked up a St. John t-shirt here that I love. Bright kelly green with ST. JOHN in big white block letters. Soon enough we were off to the cottage for showers, a show and breathing treatment. Belly was much improved but I was determined to remain vigilant especially as we had a flight coming up in a few days.

I had a bit TOO much sun today. Best Investment of the Trip. This stuff is AWESOME. We applied it often and liberally and neither of us peeled a bit.

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... a6aabe.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt=""></a>

I had a little afternoon refreshment on the deck

<a href="" title="Untitled by flip-flop, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 8554c4.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt=""></a>

Before I knew it, our babysitter arrived and it was time to head to Pia's for a pre-dinner cocktail and a tour of the house and an update on all of their home improvement projects. AMAZING. I had just been there a year and a month prior and I couldn't believe the work they had done on their place. I considered their house absolutely perfect, but the renovations they have made are beautiful, classy, and so well executed. Pia's vision is amazing and Les's execution flawless. So very impressive! I let them know that when we find our fixer upper, Les definitely has a side gig as my master of renovation! Anyone who is following their blog, knows there is no task he will not tackle.

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera so there is no evidence of the amazing dinner we had at Sweet Plantains. I started with a painkiller. One of the best I've ever had. I had to have an order of Sweet Plantains, how could you not? Saturday is curry night and the Masala Spiced Red Curry with shrimp was calling my name. Absolutely perfect evening with Pia and Les and my hubby. No kids, no worries, just easy conversation in the beautiful, warm Sweet Plantains atmosphere. Perfect night!

All good things must come to an end and soon enough with bellies full we headed back to the house to relieve Barbara and get the kids tucked in. They were so sad to see us home so soon. They really really really loved Barbara!

Tomorrow: Sunday - Honeymoon, The Grateful Shed & Pool & RUTH, the Beach Bar Gathering, and High Tide

Day 1: Friday - Getting there is NOT 1/2 the fun, Overnight in STT, Hotel Mafolie ... hp?t=20137

Day 2: Saturday - Breakfast at Mafolie, Pool Time, and Heading to St. John and the Lameshur Cottage ... hp?t=20143

Day 3: Sunday - Maho, Skinny Legs, and Woody's ... hp?t=20151

Day 4: Monday - Francis, Tap Room, and Island Blues ... hp?t=20170

Day 5: Tuesday - Mini Flip-Flop's 1st Snorkel, A Trip to Myra Keating, and Date Night @ Shipwreck ... hp?t=20178

Day 6: Wednesday - Beach, lunch at Tourist Trap, dinner at the Beach Bar ... hp?t=20197

Day 7: Thursday - Vie's Beach, Skinny Legs and a Quiet Night In ... hp?t=20210

Day 8: Friday - Dog Walking, Pancake Eating, Donkey Diner Day ... hp?t=20238
Last edited by flip-flop on Tue May 10, 2011 9:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by P-600 »

Your kids are so adorable and Belly Flop and my son Shane would have the BEST time creating anything Spongebob in the sand! Thanks for the awesome trip report(s)!

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Post by Patty »

I am so enjoying your trip report.....I hate to see your trip come to an end. What a beautiful family!
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Post by mbw1024 »

wow, Belly is looking kind of tall in some of those pic's!
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Post by cindygad »

Love the then and now pictures! Great report!
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Post by Hawaii »

Thanks again for the great reports. If you could just keep writing until our trip in July that would be great! :)
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Post by melmd »

Flip Flop,

I have absolutley loved your trip reports, I want you to head back to STJ... now... just so we can get some more.

The kids are so cute, can;t wait to take mine again in a couple of years.
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Post by ski2play »

I must respectfully agree with all of the above comments regarding your writing/photo journalism talents and your beautiful children. Your reports make us feel like we are there and for those of us with grown and/or college age children it brings back such wonderful memories! Thanks so much for sharing!
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Post by ColumbiaSCTraveler »

May as well chime in and heap praises on you as well. Your trip reports are AMAAAAAAZING, and I get so excited when I see a new one! We also love Maho, and I am determined to see a turtle this year!
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Post by flip-flop »

Thanks all. You are too kind. I love St. John, so the trip reporting (though a bit time consuming) comes easily. Of course, I have to use my pictures to jog my memory because after a day or two I am jello and all of it is a huge blur! It is fun for me to remember and relive!
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