Crime Threat on St. Thomas and St.John

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Crime Threat on St. Thomas and St.John

Post by Jumper »

We leave next week for our trip to St.John and will be staying at a rental villa on Gift Hill. We are really looking forward to this trip, but the more I look into some of the crime issues the more concerned I become. This is just a family trip so we won`t be out at night or doing anything stupid, just hitting the beaches and staying at the villa at night. I hear that there have been a number of B&E`s on the island, and that some have taken place at night when the occupants are home. This concerns me as I am a vetern Law Enforcement Officer and was hoping to not worry about having a weapon on vacation.
I hope this information is just internet BS and is just being blown out of proportion.

Any first hand knowledge of the crime issue would be appreciated and any link with current crime stats would be great. I could not find any links for current crime stats on the island and I`m sure they don`t want that info. getting out in fear of hurting the tourist industry.

We will still enjoy our stay on the island and will just stay alert and aware like we do at home.

Thanks for any info.
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Post by CariBert »

Jumper, don't get yourself into a frenzy over this. You will ruin your vacation if you do. I know being in law enforcement takes you to a different place than most, but please, relax and enjoy da Islans, mon!

We just returned from a 10 day stay on St. John, and the only crime we witnessed was having to leave that beautiful place! We are planning our next trip even as I sit and write my trip report!

Go! Have fun! Use common sense, and ENJOY!! :D :D

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Post by JT »

I personally witnessed a breaking & entering last year when we were there! We were at Lameshur, two people left their coolers and packs unattended while snorkeling and several thieving mongoose 'dem came, opened the lids, and made off with the people's lunch. It was a terrible, heart wrenching thing to have to see.
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Post by deejayjay »

Feel as safe in St john as at home. I live in Kansas. Take the usual precautions I would here, ie locking cars and houses and not leaving belongings unattended etc. I don't go to St thomas except to get to st john. The city like atmosphere has no appeal to me. I hear the crime is much worse there.
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Post by jmq »

Well any per capita stats I’ve seen over the years ain’t pretty. However, the numbers often don’t appear to factor in the large “vacation population” of the islands, so how accurate are they? From the outside looking in, the vast majority appear to be crimes of opportunity, and most of the really bad stuff seems to be non-random incidents between locals.

As much as you would like to completely shut off that part of your brain on vacation, you can't, and I suspect that as a veteran Law Enforcement Officer, you couldn’t if you wanted to.

While uber-vigilance or fear is not required, simple awareness, using locks, securing valuables, and using common sense to avoid being in the wrong place at the wrong time remain your best friends on island. And for whatever its worth, it was notable to me that the last time we were on STJ, the police “presence” was greater. How effective that may or not be is better judged by others with a greater local perspective.
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Post by California Girl »

There are crimes and B&Es everywhere. Just be yourself, be cool, don't do anything stupid and you won't have a problem. Make sure you lock you villa when you are away, put all valuables out of sight or in the villa's safe and don't leave anything in view in your parked car. These are all things I do at home as well. It's just a matter of being aware and smart. :D
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Post by luvstjohn »

So I have a question about all this. It will be just me and my 15 year old son from June 28th through the 6th. How to we secure our stuff while we are out snorkeling? We dont leave anyting in the rental so thats a given.

When we were there in 09, we didnt ever hear about anyone having any problems. I just bought a waterproof case thing for my money, credit cards, etc that I can tie to me when we snorkel but what about my camera etc that I have to leave on the beach. A friend of mine acutally suggested putting other valuables in a ziplock bag and hiding it in the sand. REALLY? I dont want to seem paraniod but since it will just be us 2, Im starting to have a little "mom anxiety".

We know about all the common sense awareness things and have no intention of being out much past dark except maybe to eat dinner. Any tips you all have will be most gratefully accepted.

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Post by Tracy in WI »

Bre - I'll have a 15 and 12 year old with me as well - just the 12 year old for a while. In the past I have used the Otterbox to keep my keys and things and have buried it in the sand under my towel/neat sheet.

I had my keys in my backpack and totally forgot the otterbox until I got back to the place we were staying - no house keys, no money, nothing! Had to drive all the way back and there was an accident that closed one of the roads down - I swear it took us close to 90 minutes but the otterbox was right where we left it. Don't think I'll make that mistake again!

But, the otterbox did help me feel more secure while in the water with my son and I plan to use it again this trip.

My 15 (son) year old arrives in the 29th - 6th so if you're interested in meeting up at a beach one day, let me know.
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Post by toes in the sand »

Crime stats for a place like StJ will be skewed because they are given per capita but with so many visitors (not counted in the per capita numbers) the crime stats might look worse than reality. The only place I would suggest for information are the newspapers such as the Tradewinds which can be found online.
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Post by Connie »

Just got back from STT and I didn't feel threatened at all at Sapphire Beach. Really a calm feeling.

I just wish that at the entrance to Coki Beach, there's a gas station across the road that has a "Bloodz" tag right on the front of it.

Seriously, couldn't somebody paint that over?
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Post by EastEnder »

Crime Stoppers have been keeping tabs for several years now.

They publish weekly stats in the Tradewinds newspaper.

Since 1990 crime on St. John has increased significantly, especially violent crimes. However, it is still quite a safe place; one where I would hitch hike or pick up a hitcher.

I wouldn't let fear get in the way of fun. Due diligence is all that is required.
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Post by Puddlejumper »

B & E's do happen, but usually it's an opportunist taking advantage of lackadaisical tourists. Use your street sense here like you do at you home. Don't leave the house open when away. Lock valuables up. Be aware of those around you.

Enjoy your vacation!
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Post by Jumper »

We are relaxed and ready for vacation, but I am also very aware of crime issues, especially when you are dealing with drugs and gang activity.

A few years ago we spent the day on St. John and felt very relaxed and safe, but I also saw signs of gang activity on the island (Tags, Clothing, etc.).

I was posting this thread just to get a feel of the current crime situation and to educate myself on whats happening.

We are planning on a relaxing vacation and look forward to our first week on the island.
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Post by verjoy »

It sounds like we will be on island about the same time as you. My husband and son have Probation and Parole background, so they are crime conscious also. We will take all precautions as listed above and be sure to set any alarms that may be available. There are 8 of us, all adults except one 15 yr old, so anyone trying to victimize us will do so at their own risk.

That said, we love St John and look forward to fun in the sun! My main worry is mosquitos!
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Post by gibber161 »

Jumper, I read a story a couple of years ago about a villa being broken into while the guests were in the pool. They left the door, which they could not see, unlocked. So we always lock the doors we can't see when we are in the pool at our villa. Just like at home, if I am in the back yard, I still lock the front door to my house. :D
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