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Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:31 pm
by sherban
Thanks Brenda!

Anthony Bourdain -- PERU

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 1:03 pm
by sherban
I found the Anthony Bourdain videos from Peru on You Tube and thought I would share the links, they are very interesting videos if you are interested in Peru travel...from a "Bourdain perspective".

Thanks for the idea Rick.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:31 pm
by Kathyzhere
Thanks everyone for sharing the sites and videos. These posts here have certainly peaked my interest in Machu Picchu...again! Sherban, I hope you do end up going and I'll look very forward to your report..hint, hint :wink:
I know that for me being in the midst of the lost city would be a soul awakening experience, for a lack of a better term. Or how 'bout a soul orgasm :oops:

I love the Caribbean and the beach but when I visit ancient places I really want to feel the energy of the past. LOL...are you all thinking I've got the bottle here next to me?!! :lol: To help explain mysef...when I was in Scotland I visited the spot where the Battle of Bannockburn took place (I think the scene from Braveheart w/ Mel was supposed to be there) Well anyway, I lay myself down on the earth there and thought of all the energy that was there hundreds of years ago. Places like Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, castles, etc are "soulful".

Okay, I've kinda gone of topic here. There is a nurse anesthetist that comes to my work occasionaly and we discussed Machu Picchu as he's been there. He mentioned a "famous" guide from the area that he went with years ago. As soon as I get the chance I will find out the name again and post it here.

Thanks again for all the shared info.


Chichen Itza

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:49 pm
by sherban
KZ- I am making progress towards a MP visit in 2008, I will post a TR here if I do.

Funny you would mention Chichen Itza,I have a fun story on that place- I went to Cancun with a sweet little girl from Lousanna' I was dating back in ~1990. Well, by chance we scheduled a bus trip to CI to see the Pyramids and Lo and Behold it was the spring Equinox (I think :oops: )the day we were there (lucky SOBs...), it was the day the sun lines up and makes a shadow of a serpentine crawl up the side of the pyramid...just wonderful dumb luck! So glad to have a handful of those memories... Also remember the shanty towns we drove through to get to CI...eye opening. Some other nice memories from that trip...hmmmm, oh well....

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:17 pm
by sherban
Sort of sorry to say my Peru trip is off for 2008...

It's off because of increased airfare and time/money availability.

Only "sort of" sorry because I am flying to Aruba a good deal so I'm doing it. Doesn't have the historical/cultural significance of MP by any measure, but I WILL ENJOY.


Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:48 am
by Kathyzhere
Hey Sherban,
I feel where you're coming from. At least MP will be wating there for your anticipated visit in the future.

Any visit to a beautiful island is a wonderful thing!

I had a visit back to Scotland planned for this Summer but canceled after the threat to Glasgow airport and just how expensive it was adding up to be.

Never been to Aruba...yet :wink: I visit a cruise forum as well and my name is "bound4somewhere" it's a wonderful thing to be 8)


Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:54 am
by sherban
Kathy- I'm with ya...
When I started looking at Peru there were flights for ~$510 RT, now they are ~$750... I got a flight to Aruba for < $400 RT. I am doing this trip solo without my wife so it is in my best interest to keep costs down! So maybe my first trip to MP will bwith the whole family...we'll see.

I was also looking at Cartagena CO because Spirit had an introductory special for about $300 RT, but I missed that deal...sold out. I will make it to Macchu Picchu in the next few years, it's in my sights...

Wheels down in Aruba on April 7th...

Re: Machu Picchu or Peru?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2023 11:48 pm
by saramiller
My brother went last year on August, he told me that our summer (US summer) is the high season for tourist there so he had to book in advance which actually really helped him.
He found a lot of people that couldn't even go to Machupicchu cause it was over booked.
He used different agencies one for the tours in the city and another for the inca trail and both of them had good service.
On the other hand he almost bough the cheapest tour (turn out all the people who bought complain about the service)
Don't remember the name of the travel agency but here are some you can check peru travel agent