Trip Report 4/13- 4/24

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Re: Trip Report 4/13- 4/24

Post by Agent99 »

Thanks Ruth! Hope we get to see you while we're here!

Nothing exciting to report about yesterday. Our friends had never experienced Gibney so we made a day of it, arriving before 10. Even that early the 3 spots were taken so the guys dropped us with the stuff and parked up on Peace Hill and walked down from there. We found plenty of shade and there was a pretty stiff breeze so it did not even feel hot. Pete took a few snorkeling shots off to the right but they weren't the best.

I forgot to mention the other day that we picked up this girl on the way to Coral Bay who was on her way to work at one of the shops near Skinny's. We were asking her about Island Fancy and she said that when she worked for Maho Camps they had their Christmas party there and that it was lovely.

Then Pete asked her about a property that he noticed when he swam around the eastern most point of Trunk Bay. She said that belongs to the Boulon family who we later read had owned many acres since the 1950s. They sold most of them to the National Park and kept this property and a few acres. The name jumped out at us because Ethel mentions Mrs. Boulon in her book. She said that Mrs. Boulon was a marvelous cook and Ethel would walk 4 miles from Sand Fly Villa on Francis to the Boulon's on Trunk Bay on Sundays for dinner and a couple of drinks. The road was not paved 'then and Ethel describes it as not more than a donkey path. She'd sometimes return in the pitch dark with a lantern and scary noises all around. Hearty soul, that Ethel!

There is no set plan for today. Sadly Quinn has to go back tomorrow but his girl is flying back from her family visit tomorrow, too so he won't be lonely. I like this shot from my phone.

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Re: Trip Report 4/13- 4/24

Post by PaminMaine »

My daughter also got an odd sunburn with the spray lotion. I do remember someone telling us that you must rub the lotion in after spray since it does not apply evenly.

I shipped 6 bottles for our last vacation !! :lol:
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Re: Trip Report 4/13- 4/24

Post by Myheart'sinSTJ »

The envy flows through my body reading your real time trip reports and the beautiful pics, I could never understand how someone can sit and read when you are on a beautiful STJ beach. I am fixated and don't want to miss a thing, enjoy every second and thanks for sharing! :D
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Re: Trip Report 4/13- 4/24

Post by Agent99 »

We had a very fun day Saturday. Breakfast at the Landing because Jake's was full and the kitchen backed up. Landing breakfast was great. Then off to Maho and found a great spot under a giant Sea Grape tree. We were pretty early so the beach was not at all crowded. There was a big family with the cutest baby you ever saw wearing those blow up armbands. He was having a ball and full of baby giggles in the water playing with dad. Oh I miss those days-seems like yesterday!!

We were only just getting settled when the skies opened up like you would not believe. Maybe that's why it wasn't crowded- other people are smarter than us. The great thing about Maho, though, is that it only takes a second to run to the car. The boys ran the stuff that needed to stay dry to the car and we hung out in the water hoping it was just a passing shower. Well it wasn't. It poured like I've never been poured upon before but it was fun.

The plan had been to meet our friends at Miss Lucy's but we eventually surrendered and decided to come back and get dry and have a late lunch with them at Ocean Grill instead. That place is consistently excellent, imo.

We had to see Quinn off Easter Sunday. :( Once again we sadly watched the ferry pull away from our balcony at Gallows. I hate good byes, I really do. Breakfast at Jake's then walk of woe. Uggh. We consoled ourselves at Dennis. A little bit of work to get to and from but worth every huff and puff. The snorkeling there is very nice, too. There was a bit of a chop but was still very clear. DInner at DaLivios with our friends. It was good.

Monday was our BVI boat day with our friends for their last day. It's been so fun having them here in our happy place. I hate good byes did I mention that? It was pretty choppy but Bruce and his ute make an excellent captain and first mate so we were in good hands. We met a girl at customs who moved to STJ a couple years ago and she advised us that White Bay was super bouncy so we opted for Taboo. That's a cute spot. We had an enjoyable lunch there and afterward a fun snorkel at Waterlemon on the way home.

Our friends shipped off this morning so now we are just three. I can't help feeling a little sad but we will make the most of our next couple of days. Here are some shots of the last few days. Ciao for now.






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Re: Trip Report 4/13- 4/24

Post by shoemak38 »

:D :D :D
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Re: Trip Report 4/13- 4/24

Post by Agent99 »

Ugh. Re-entry is not my favorite but at least the weather appears to have broken and the sun is shining in MA. I have to sort through my last couple of days photos and jot down some things about our last few days before I forget. Thanks for all the nice comments. I know I go into way too much detail but this is my version of a journal- as much to reminisce on cold winter days. I don't want to forget a minute of these special times.

It was hard to see the others off but Luke is such good company that the quiet of just the three of us was really nice. Tuesday we were so exhausted from the boat trip the day before that we just chilled at Gallows. Its really nice and quiet there in the early part of the day because everyone is at the beach. We walked down to the Beach Bar and had an early lunch- great Tuna Down Now and burgers. Simple and really very good. Nice bartender too. I like that in they let Luke sit at the bar- better view than the tables imo. Noodled around the rest of the day and decided to try Virgin Fire for dinner. Mike the waiter was great, the ribs were good and Luke enjoyed his spicy pasta dish. 3 out of 5 stars? Back to Gallows and a float in the pool. So peaceful.

Wednesday is our last day.
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Re: Trip Report 4/13- 4/24

Post by loria »

oh how i wish we could have caught up with you guys-- we were run-in around like nuts and had really limited service out where were were..... and no internet to speak of....
sounds like a terrific trip !!!
< leaving on the 22nd of march...but too lame to figure out the ticker thing again!>
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Re: Trip Report 4/13- 4/24

Post by Agent99 »

Same here loria! We try to make the most of every moment and that sometimes means not enough time to meet up with forum folks on island. It's all good!

Speaking of which, for some reason I mixed up loria and Maggie and heard a Swedish accent on Hawksnest on Wednesday, our last day. Normally we would have gone to Gibney on our last day but Pete's ankle was bothering him so we decided to go to Hawksnest. The owner of the accent was engaged in conversation with someone and I did not want to interrupt. After a while I saw them say good bye and I asked if she was a member of the fourm. It was Maggie and her party! Very nice to meet her and her folks.

Miss Lucy's Rant:
From there we left for Miss Lucy's because we hadn't made it yet and this was our last full day. We have loved it in the past and in the past couple of years have forgiven the ridiculous "island time" food service because the servers were so nice and apologetic. We just took books and figured it would be a good part of our afternoon.

I was reluctant to post this because someone I know from Gloucester works there and she is a pro and I know she would not put up with service like this and I would never want to hurt her but I suspect she works at night and is a senior server and from what I hear evenings are not the problem. Our experience was not with a senior server I can assure you.

We arrived at 1:00 pm on Wed. April 24. There was just one table seated outside and they had their check. There were 2 tables seated inside and no one at the bar. A young blond waitress walked by - no smile- no greeting- and said "Sit wherever you want". So we sat. And sat. And sat. She walked by us again without even looking in our direction- mind you- there is no one else there. I called out to her-"Excuse me? Can we order some drinks?" She barks back in a very snotty tone. "Just a minute" and then says "Just so you know we are out of conch, this that and another thing' and walks way for another 10 minutes. By this time this 27 year restaurant business veteran is getting pissed. Pete goes up to the bar where no one is sitting and asks the bartender if we can order drinks from her. The angry waitress sees this and says, " I told you I'd be there in a minute" and follows Pete back to the table.

Then she smiles and puts on a "Hi my name is Bitchy and I'll be your server smile". We ordered our drinks and she says "And what will you be ordering to eat?" I replied, nicely, despite the way I wanted to reply to her, " We'll just wait for our drinks and decide then." I kid you not- she replied in the snottiest way possible, " Just so you know, the bartender takes 20 minutes to make drinks so I emphasis on I am just trying to do you emphasis on you a favor. By this time a couple of other tables had seated themselves and were looking for service. I heard one of the guests say, "Did I really just hear that waitress say that?"

I have never walked out of a STJ restaurant in the 15 years we've been visiting. I said, "Thanks hon, I think we'll go to Shipwreck instead". Wait for it. Her reply? " Oh Yeah, go to Shipwreck and enjoy the frozen drinks and shitty food." Nice huh? We went to Shipwreck and were greeted with a smile. I ordered an excellent top shelf margarita, not frozen, the delicious fresh gazpacho and jerk grilled shrimp app with a dill sauce.

Back at Gallows in the pool another family recounted a similar experience with this same waitress who, because they would not order their food until the drinks had been dropped, admonished them that the bartender would take 20 minutes to make the drinks. The place was empty. I hope you all know that I don't often criticize a STJ business.

I won't end on a negative note so I will finish with final thoughts and photos but I will post this review on trip advisor.
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Re: Trip Report 4/13- 4/24

Post by PA Girl »

What the what with that attitude?!?! I waited tables earlier in life and a piss poor attitude is inexcusable? Why make things harder on yourself (the server, that is)?

I love that shrimp appetizer with dill sauce at Shipwreck.
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Re: Trip Report 4/13- 4/24

Post by rays&rum13 »

Hmm wonder if she ever worked at Stanky Legs. Had a VERY similar experience with a waitress there in November. Left me speechless!(and I'm pretty good on my toes) It really is unbelievable.. Sorry you had to deal with that, what a bummer!
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Re: Trip Report 4/13- 4/24

Post by Barb Y »

99 as usual your trip report does not dissappoint. Love reading every word! We overlapped trips at some point (we were there 7-17th) I think we even shared that beautiful rainbow while drinking our morning coffee. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful report. I feel for you on the woes of is tough! Till next time!
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Re: Trip Report 4/13- 4/24

Post by 54b »

Been enjoying your report, Agent 99.

And your comment about Miss Lucy's reminded me of this post: ... s+Lucy%27s

Very unfortunate. Hope someone on the island that knows the owner at Miss Lucy's pointed that thread out to them because it's hard to see them surviving if those sentiments and yours become the prevailing perception.
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Re: Trip Report 4/13- 4/24

Post by michigan girls »

I too had my worst service experience ever at Miss Lucy's this trip. What's up with that? I love their food, and Sunday morning brunch is a tradition for us, but I don't think I can do that again...
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Re: Trip Report 4/13- 4/24

Post by Agent99 »

I hope to finish my trip report this weekend but in the mean time I noticed that Trip Advisor deleted my review of Miss Lucy's. Don't know what that's about.
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