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Acqua Blu available July 29- August 8 sadly had to cancel

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 3:32 pm
by gardengal
Unfortunately my husband has just learned that he will no longer have a job due to reduction in work force. :shock: :cry: :shock:

We planned for this vacation last July. Sadly, there is NO possible way we can swing this at ALL. I just phoned the villa company to let them know.

I'd so love to get my deposit back so I thought I'd put this out there in the event anyone was interested in taking our week? I know, a long shot- but I thought I'd give it a go.
Thanks everyone! Hoping for much better days ahead.


Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 3:59 pm
by loria
oh, that is so rough--I hope that things get better on the job front soon!

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 4:26 pm
by Gromit
This is probaboy one of the best places to see if someone can help you out. Hopeully someone out there is looking for a place and willing to book that week.

Hope things look up soon!

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 4:54 pm
by Pia
Good luck - it looks like a beautiful villa (I followed their blog :) )


Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 5:38 pm
by gardengal
Thanks everyone! To say that I'm shell shocked is an understatement. I never would have thought this could happen to us. :shock: I guess you never know anymore. Hopefully he'll pick up a job sooner rather than later.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 6:00 pm
by djmom
We have been through that before. Not too long ago actually. I never liked it when people told us that these sort of things happen "for a reason".

However, I do believe that many times things do end up better in the long run. I sincerely hope that it works out that way for you too.

Take it one day at a time- I am sure you will feel a wide variety of emotions-go ahead be angry, sad, whatever. Try to get out of the house.

You will be ok.

Hopefully it won't be too long before you are planning your next trip.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 10:09 pm
by BillnSue
My wife-to-be, Sue and I and our combined 3 girls and their guys stayed at Acqua Blu at Christmas...our hearts go out to's a magical property...and we send our most sincere wishes that you and yours will have the opportunity in the very near future to stay here, without a single care in the world.
If our honeymmon plans had not already been made, we would hop on this in a heartbeat. One door closes, another's the time spent in the hallway that's tough... and we wish yours is brief!
Our very best to you.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 7:28 am
by gardengal
djmom- you've hit the nail on the head! Sorry you had to go through this too. Thank you for the advice.

BillnSue- So happy to hear that you enjoyed Acqua Blu! One day we will get there. Have a wonderful honeymoon.

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 7:35 am
by gardengal
Putting this up at the top again and keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks-Kristi

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 5:06 pm
by patr
Gosh GG, that's rough. :(

Aqua Blu is a beautiful villa, and the rental calendar looks pretty full - hope it rents during your week and you get your deposit back - good luck!

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 6:37 pm
by Bob & Anita
Best of luck to both of you.

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 11:57 pm
by Berlingirl
Gardengal...I wondered about your name and followed your profile back to your fabulous garden and incredible back yard...It is completely amazing that you take care of it all yourself. Full time job for a crew of gardeners and a poolboy! :shock: You do an excellent job! Best to you and your DH!

Acqua blu- update.......

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:52 pm
by gardengal
No takers on our villa week. *Bummer* But wait, I have more news! In addition to my husband being jobless my company (Smith & Hawken) is closing their doors in the fall :shock: . Holy mother of monkey! Surely this is a cosmic joke? Karma?- can't be. For the love of doG I even pick up worms off the sidewalk after a rain storm. Didn't I earn points for that?


What is a couple to do? Not only were we not going on vacation but we were losing our $4,100 deposit. $4,100!!!!! I just couldn't believe that. What a shame for it to go to waste. Taking the whole family was OUT as it was too expensive and seeing we'll both be WITHOUT jobs it didn't seem like a good move.
Back and forth we went like a dog chasing his tail. When up steps my mother on a white horse (well, you get the drift) She urged us, NO ordered us to go! I've always been taught to respect mom(Did I mention I have the best mom in the whole world). We took her up on it. She has the kids with her for the next month so we are free and clear but not without guilt. I REALLY was looking forward to a family vacation and I'll miss them all.

We phoned Kathy at Island Getaways and she worked her magic. The owner of Acqua Blu was kind enough to let us change our whole plan of action. We leave in the a.m. for one week. I can’t even begin to tell you how much this vacation is needed. I’ll take lots of pictures and be sure to update.
Thank you for all the support.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:04 pm
by dtenel
Kristie....I am SOOOOO happy for you :D Aren't parents wonderful? Go....have a great time....and have no guilt over the kids. Know that you and your hubby deserve this time together and that it will make you better parents when you return! Also, TRY not to think about the stress of unemployement while you are down there...there will be plenty of that when you return! Looking forward to a full...terrific trip report when you return! Safe travels :lol:

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:20 pm
by Diana2
God bless Grandma! :D Yup! That's what us grandma's are for. I hope the time you spend in STJ is relaxing and renews your spirits.