my cat is really sick

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my cat is really sick

Post by loria »

and i am so sad.
we've had Spinny for 16 years. I know, she's lived a long time--until tuesday morning she was as spry as all that able to leap onto the counter, climb the ladder to my daughter's loft bed (up and down!, etc) --I got a call at work on Tuesday afternoon that she was at the bottom of the basement stairs and couldn't move.--
i came straight home --took her to the animal ER, i figured she was a goner.--
she was dehydrated, etc--they thought diabetes--
insulin/hydration later her glucose is fine, but she still cant stand--no fractures-so they think she has an embolism. I visited her yesterday and she was feisty as hell- (though she couldn't stand or pee on her own she would move her legs pretty well). I brought her home today (I have a consult with a neurologist in the AM) --and she is just so subdued, so not herself --I have gone back and forth about putting her to sleep (i would rather not, but i dont want her to suffer)
I am just so sad that my cat is probably dying and where she's at now is no life for a cat (being spoon fed, not being able to walk, getting water from a syringe)
there is one small hope that steroids might help if it is a specific type of embolus (hence the neuro consult). I guess this sounds dumb when there are so many worse stories, like what jimmy is dealing with--i guess i am just not sure what to do if the neuro consult comes back bad.
sorry for taking up the airwaves.,
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Post by lprof »

loria, I am sorry. I understand love for our pets...for me currently my cats.
Having a 14 year old cat with an enlarged heart I also understand the situation you are facing; it is not a good one nor easy for you. You are doing all it seems you can, finding the total picture before making any decison. You will make the right choices for Spinny. Of course your heart is aching and I am sorry. I hope that you will get some good news...
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Post by liamsaunt »

I am so sorry Loria.

It does not sound dumb--she is your pet and you love her. You'll do what's best for her. Go to the consult tomorrow and see what they say. Your heart will guide you.
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Post by cypressgirl »

I so know how you feel, being a pet lover myself. If it were my own pet, I'd give her the same care I'd give my children.......but I'm wierd that way. Cat's can bounce back or go down fast. You will know what to do. But don't give up on her yet. Good luck.
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Post by Jo&Wally »

I know exactly how you are feeling I went thru the same thing with my 19 year old cat in January. He wasn't acting right and would go hide in unusual places so I took him to our regular vet who said his kidneys were not working properly and after several days of fluids he was acting almost normal at the vets. We picked him up and brought him home and with in a few minutes of taking him out of his carrier he couldn't stand and looked so sad. We rushed back to the vet who said he most likely had a stroke. Definately See what your neuro vet has to say and then you will know if it is something that can be corrected or not and then you will know what you should do. My prayers are with you. It is one of the most diffucult situations to deal with
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Post by Teresa_Rae »

Not dumb at all...cats and dogs are part of the family to many of us. My cats are my children. There aren't words to describe the devastation I've felt when I've lost cats in the past.

I'll keep Spinny in my prayers.
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Post by Maggy »

My best wishes also. I know exactly what you are going through, and it's the worst with having pets. It's not dumb at all to feel that way, it's just human. They are family. Fortunately the joy of having them, overrides the worst part.

I also believe that you'll know when it's time. At least it has been so for me in the past.

By the way, I love the name Spinny. In Swedish "to spinn" means to purr so that would be a great name for a kitty.
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Post by Berlingirl »

Loria, Sorry to hear about your baby. :( I hope that she is able to make it though her hard times. We have a 19 yr old kitty who we think we're gonna lose every winter who just keeps hangin in. They are our family members who love us through thick and thin.
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Post by flip-flop »

Loria, hoping the best for you and kitty. My 9 year old doggie is starting to show her age and it seemed to happen overnight. Hang in there.
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Post by PA Girl »

I understand your pain. We have a 15 and a 16 year old cat. The younger of the two is diabetic and requires 2x per day shots. The older one just had a tooth pulled.

I tried to start a dialog with Hubs about what we will do when things start to go down hill and he absolutely refuses to discuss it.
Saltydog wrote:Loria,
I am so sorry for you and your girl..
I recently noticed Fleaball (sorry, my son gave her that name) was drinking way too much water and urinating up a storm......yep, blood work comfirms she is last friday she is at the vet getting her glucose curve done......meanwhile I take my other three kids (Scruffy, Tuffy and Buffy) for their yearly check up and Dr Vet says my girl Scruff has an over active thyroid and can be treated by radiation :shock: :shock: which Dr Vet says is VERY costly, at this point I am numb about ready to cry !!! so where am I going to get all this money for my girls !!!!!
luckily when HER blood work came back she is clean and her problem is her kidney and old age (13)........
HELL I know what you are going thru....nuff said, it is almost 7:00 am....I have some insulin i have to draw up .....
Salty, one of our employees had a cat with the same problem. He took the cat for radiation treatments and it was like a magic cure, the cat is back to her old self.
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Post by LysaC »

hyperthyroid can be treated a few different ways- daily medication, surgery or radiation. don't let your vet only give you one option. in most cases, there are always other options.

loria- so sorry to hear about your kitty. many of us on this board are animal lovers and we understand your sadness. once you consult with the neuro vet, i'm sure you'll make the right decision and what is best for your wonderful kitty cat.
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Post by Gromit »

Loria-- NOT dumb at all. Our pets are part of the family and it's hard to see them sick.

Our pup Duffy was diagnosed with Lymphosarcoma in February and the vet thought that he wouldn't make it through Easter.

We had a tough choice: chemo or steroids. We opted for the steroids. For a while he was doing great but the last few days have been pretty rough and the left side of his face is now paralyzed due to the tumors pressing on a nerve and he can't get up the stairs on his own.

I keep wondering if it's "time" but everytime I think it is, Duffy flashes me that corgi smile and his eyes brighten up. He still loves his food and he generally seems comfortable and wants to be with us.

Everyone has told me that when it's time you'll know it. Well I'm not so sure that I will but I keep hanging in and keep a close eye on him. We hug on him and cuddle with him as much as we can but I know I'm just waiting for that other shoe to drop and that's REALLY hard.

Hang in there and I know you'll do what's best for your baby.

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Post by brenda »

I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. We just went through this in March and it is so painful :( . The forum was a huge help to me as I was going through it. Everyone told me I would know when it was time and it was so true. You really don't want them to suffer if they are not going to get better. My thoughts are with you.
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Post by Connie »

I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this. I have four cats myself. One is 17 and she just isn't the same as she use to be. Mostly sleeps.

I also work at a shelter with alot of cats and it's very difficult to watch alot of the cats have different problems because I love them all.

I believe you will know what to do and when to do it. I lost my precious Buca a couple months ago. Only 8. A heart attack most likely killed him instantly as I watched. Horrible to see that.

My prayers are with you and your kitty.
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