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Brown's Thursday

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:20 pm
by BillVT
It is gloriously hot in the high 80's and yesterday the wind slackened. So to shut me up we head to my favorite, Brown's Bay. Enough of a hike to say so, not real popular, ruins, healthy coral and enough fish to keep you looking.

Met our neighbors there. The conch seem to have moved on replaced by the white urchin things. So care should be taken when entering the water.

Now that I have a camera that can go with me snorkeling I can say that it is easier to see fish than photograph them. So here is a photo of Brown's Bay. It couldn't swim away or hide under a rock.

<a href="" title="Brown's Bay by nayr48, on Flickr"><img src=" ... c0151f.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Brown's Bay"></a>

Post beach snack at Vie's. She was sold out of chicken, and meat sauce so the conch fritters surficed.
Back home for pool, a few chapters and sleep.