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STJ sticker seen in Monona WI today

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:07 pm
by Marcia (Mrs. Pete)
Went shopping at Copps grocery store today and saw a minivan with an STJ sticker on it in the parking lot as I went in. As I perused the aisles throughout the store I kept looking for someone who might be an STJ addict, like we are. I wanted to randomly ask people but that would have been weird. That is all. Just thought I'd share that moment of STJ in my day here in snowy WI.

Re: STJ sticker seen in Monona WI today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 1:25 pm
by Barb Y
I love it when I randomly see a STJ sticker. I have been known to speed up just to get a glimpse of the driver just to see if I recognize them somehow. Love to share the love.

Re: STJ sticker seen in Monona WI today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 3:30 pm
by mahojim
That kind of thing happened to me a couple of years ago.
I had a STJ petroglyph bumper sticker on my , well, rear bumper. I went into a liquor store, and a woman ran in behind me, all smiles, and said," Oh, I just LOVE your bumper sticker!!! We just got back from vacation a few weeks ago. I miss it so much!" We talked about how wonderful a place STJ is, and what/where our favorite things are. We then gave eachother a hug, and parted ways. Refreshing!
Then I went and scooped up whatever I was buying, and got in line. While waiting, I was just standing there, looking around, when I felt eyes on was the lady I had just spoken to,- she saw that she caught my attention again, and smiled and waved again, excitedly. Too funny, and cute. I paid, was walking out and glanced over my shoulder again to yet more excited smiles and waves good-bye.
Now, she was either just so excited to meet someone else who lives locally and shares the same love for that beautiful place, or she was just really into me.
I may never know... :roll: