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Travel discussion for St. John
California Girl

Post by California Girl »

I could definitely do it. We don't have kids, and our extended families live so far away we never see them anyway...not to mention I wouldn't mind leaving a few of them behind! I'm not a shopper, so I wouldn't miss malls and such. I could still shop on the Internet (at those places who will ship to the VI), and a trip on the car barge to Home Depot or K-Mart now and then wouldn't be so terrible. I know I'd have to work, but you have to admit that Centerline Rd. or North Shore Rd. have it WAY over a 6 lane freeway when it comes to commuting. I'd much rather look at Trunk Bay as I pass by every day, than the San Onofre Nuclear Plant! We are pretty much homebodies so we wouldn't miss movie theatres, and when we DO go out, it's usually just for dinner, and there are plenty of fine restaurants on STJ.

The only thing stopping me is that as I get older, I have more and more health issues and I like to know I have good options for healthcare here on the mainland. We would both have to get jobs, and as it's almost time for us to retire, I can't see myself having the energy to work in a gift shop all day and tend bar all night, for example, just to make the rent! My husband is not "handy" so things like cisterns would completely baffle him.

Oh to be 25 again!! I'd move there so fast it would make your head spin! :lol:
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Post by djmom »

Cal girl-you have a good point.

I must enroll my hubby in Saturday morning classes at Home Depot. Or maybe I should enroll myself.
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Post by soxfan22 »

waterguy wrote:I don't have to worry about the other half just how I'd make a living
There in lies my problem as well. My wife asks me weekly if we can move there...I have no idea what the heck I would do to, you know, pay the bills? And we're actually at a great are small, no school yet - we can always move back when the start school. But ahh...the money.
July 2003 - Honeymoon at The Westin
July 2004 - Glenmar, Gifft Hill
July 2005 - Arco Iris, Fish Bay
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Pete (Mr. Marcia)
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Post by Pete (Mr. Marcia) »

Marcia and I enjoy STJ, but prefer to keep it in our lives as a "get away" place. We, like the rest of you, have discussed moving there. Of course, if we did, we probably would dream of vacationing in Wisconsin.

In my opinion, some places are best kept as treats.
Wisconsin, smell the dairy air
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Post by soxfan22 »

Pete (Mr. Marcia) wrote: In my opinion, some places are best kept as treats.
Well said, Pete.
July 2003 - Honeymoon at The Westin
July 2004 - Glenmar, Gifft Hill
July 2005 - Arco Iris, Fish Bay
December 2007 - Dreamcatcher, GCB
July 2008 - Ellison Villa, VGE
California Girl

Post by California Girl »

Pete (Mr. Marcia) wrote: In my opinion, some places are best kept as treats.
Pete - If you lived on STJ, you could dream of visiting Virgin Gorda! :lol:
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Post by overman »

i think i would rather the trials and tribulations of island life over what we deal with in new england...i'm a graphic artist so all i really need is the internet, unfortunately my wife (an overperforming asset ) owns a successful dance studio in quincy mass and i doubt her clientele would relocate with us so the point is moot.

instead i stand here staring at ruth's camera with roots reggae playing as i prepare to go fire up the snowblower to move another foot or so of white new england sunshine.

maybe that's why so many crazy northerners like us rejoice at everything st,john because we deal with the polar opposite daily...bottom line, i'd rather be 'miserable' there than here.

some day.
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Post by designbyroe »

My hubby passed away, but STJ was his home sooooo
I lived on island for 2 yrs and I will say I would go back again in a heartbeat.
If I had $50,000 to buy Gym in Paradise, had checked the equpment to see what I would have to replace, check the books to see how membership was and everything panned out I would be back on island.

There's no $ sign on a peace of mind, this I've come to know
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New Here, Had to Comment

Post by InTransit »

Hello All,
I saw a lot of replies from NE and had to join the discussion. Wonderful winter. I am waiting for Al Gore to come and deice my driveway.......
Anyway, we have a condo over on STT and have been slowly migrating on island for extended periods during the winter. Everyone is different and have different circumstances in their lives, so there is no set answer to how easy it is to move to the islands. There are some consistent themes that I have heard over the past few years: 1) Aligning expectation to reality (you're not in Kansas any more and things are not like in the States), 2) Tolerance of cultures, 3) Even if you do move, recognize that you are a guest (at least in the eyes of many whose families have lived on island for generations). Having said all that, spending increasing increments of time on island has allowed us to acclimate and learn at our own pace. I don't think that we could live a full year there, but 7-9 months is certainly doable. Pardon the spelling, my fingers are still numb from clearing out my car.....
Exit Zero
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Post by Exit Zero »

Have you visited the information site for relocating here maintained at :
California Girl

Post by California Girl »

Welcome to the forum, In Transit! Thanks for your input...I found what you had to say very interesting! :D
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Post by cptnkirk »

We think it would be great if we could afford it. My honey would do it in a heartbeat if the money was there. Not gonna happen :cry: We would like to be somewhere in the Caribbean for 3 to 4 months a year in retirement WE WILL MAKE THAT HAPPEN if all goes well. Not sure it will be St John though just because it is so expensive to live there. Agree with others nice to keep it as a treat, really don't think it would be as cool if ya lived there all the time. On the other hand would love to give it a try for a couple of years to see if we could prove that theory wrong :lol:
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Post by laxcat »

Everytime we visit the island we play fantasyland, even though we live in Southern California and do not know much of this cold weather thing you all speak of. He will be the veterinarian on that sign behind skinny legs that works Wednesdays from 9-5 and I will have either published an amazing mystery book series or work for VIPD since that's my day job now ! That last thought would just scare the crap out of me though !
Nic in KC
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Post by Nic in KC »

Jason and I talk about wishing we'd met earlier and gotten married younger so we could have just spent a year or so living on St. John. We still talk about going for a year just to have the experience. I'm a little afraid we'd never want to move back to the states! We are both very easy going and look for the experiences in life much more than the creature comforts. We are in our early thirties and don't have kids yet so we should just take the plunge. However, we hope for kids soon and I'm not sure I'd want to deliver a baby in the islands. We also love our house that we wouldn't want to sell and a St. Bernard that I know would never survive the move. You just never know what the future will hold, but we'll continue to dream!
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Thanks for the Welcome

Post by InTransit »

Thanks for the welcome Folks (and CG). The tech company I happen to work/slave for is headquartered in CA. West Coast is interesting, but I would have a hard time adjusting!!!!!
This forum interests me in that it seems to be STJ focused. To me, STJ is the most beautiful of all of the VI (USVI & BVI) combined and I have sailed all of them extensively since 1986. I have had a lot of fun over the years advising New Englander friends to skip Hawaii and go to STJ. The only things missing are waves and snotty Asian tourists (pardon my bluntness). No one has ever come back and said that Hawaii is better. Ever.
Unfortunately, I cannot justify the $ to buy on STJ. So, instead, I have the most awesome view of her from STT, particularly at night. We do day trips which is pretty easy. My hope is, in a few years when we spend more time on island, to have a boat to take day trips to the beaches. Keep the entertaining info going! Next week, we will be down there out of the snow!
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