my brother got into a bad accident.

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Post by Chickadee »

So fantastic! I'm really glad to hear Paul has made such improvement and while the road to recovery can be long and frustrating, at least you can put this part of the ordeal behind you. Bless his proud and stubborn nature for getting him this far. I'm sure it will help carry him all the way to normalcy.

Be well, all of you.

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Post by Jan&MikeVa »

Thank Goodnes for the wonderful news. Stubborness can be the BEST medicine.
Hugs and prayers coming your way from Mike & I.
God Bless you all
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Post by Nancy_B »

Jimmy, just catching up now and I'm so happy to hear that Paul is making such great progress. Thank you for keeping us posted and our prayers continue to be with you and your family.
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Post by mahobayb »

Hey Jimmy,
Just catching up here and what good news!!!! I am sure that the strong family ties and
the prayers from across the globe have helped to get Paul to where he is now.

But with out a doubt it is his inner strength
( stubbornness?? ) that is getting him to recovery.

God Bless You All
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Post by mahojim »

Well, all,
My sister Kate went to see him yesterday-(Sunday).
Seems all he did was cry, and beg for her to bring him home with them.
In her words, he was "not in a good way..."
Lots of meds, & discomfort on the long way to recovery.
I just hope he hears (y)our collective prayers & best wishes.
I wish that I was rich, & could afford to rent the bed next to him, like that "Bucket List" movie.
He's still confused, frustrated,and most likely feeling very alone.
The lonesomeness that he is experiencing is breaking my heart.
Thank God for My Sweet Amy for helping me through this .
California Girl

Post by California Girl »

All the different drugs they've had him on recently would certainly distort his reality. I'm sure it must be really difficult to be in the hospital/rehab center for so long. Even with all the visits he's probably feeling like he's stuck there alone. He's come a long way from when you first began this thread, and he'll go so much farther from here! He's working on the physical part, now he just needs lots of love and support to get him through the mental part of recovery. We're still all hangin' in there with you and your brother! :D
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Post by lprof »

Paul has come so far, yet the road ahead still looks so long and rough...that is hard for him and for you.
With each new day, one small step is progress even when it does not seem to make any difference. Still sending the healing thoughts...
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Post by Chickadee »

I think of Paul on a fairly regular basis and send out a little healing thought when I do. I sure hope he hears me and everyone else who does the same thing.

Do you think he'd appreciate getting cards? Something concrete to look at and know all these crazy STJ people have him in their thought. I bet any number of us would be happy to send something off for him. If you think it would help, say the word and let us know where to send them.

California Girl

Post by California Girl »

Cards! Great idea Chickadee! Jim, maybe we could send them to you and you could take them all to Paul and help him understand who they came from! :D
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Post by mindehankins »

Awwww, Jim :( ...I'm sorry Paul's recovery is taking so long. It really must be horrible to be struggling for so long. I've been in the hospital for just a few days and was teary and desperate to get out.
I love the idea of sending him cards, and think rather than having them all arrive as a pile with you, it might cheer him up more to have them arrive sporadically, bringing him random good wishes, when he would otherwise be lonely.
Sending a prayer out right now, for Paul, and for your family.
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Post by Joppa »

So glad to hear of Paul's progress. He is bound to have good days and bad days, we all do. He has so many more challenges that his bad days can be quite over whelming.
Also going from hospital care to rehab care is a BIG adjustment. Usually staffing is alot different in rehab and those call buttons don't get answered as fast. A friend of mine was in rehab after some serious infection and actually called the front desk from her room, had them put her through to the nurses station, and asked them if her call button was broken as she had pushed it over 30 min ago and noone has answered it. You may want to tell Paul this trick. My friend went home last Friday, her ordeal began the same week as Paul's. I pray for both of them often.

Oh and I think cards are a great idea!!!!!
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Post by linne »

Jim, I would be glad to send a card from Denmark too, if you think it in any way could cheer him up.

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Post by cocosmom »

I too have been watching for your posts of his progress. Would love to send a card also.
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Post by Agent99 »

It's not unusual to experience depression after a physical trauma, especially when recovery includes a great deal of physical pain to look forward to. Aside from appropriate meds, laughter, laughter, laughter with people he loves is the very best medicine, imo. You can rent entire seasons of great comedies like Ab Fab, Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld.....Austin Powers movies whatever tickles his funny bone and watch them together.

Still sending you all the very best.
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Post by mahojim »

Hey, gang.
Well I went over to see Paul Friday.
I'd been warned that he was a little confused & upset, and I refused to put up with that...
So, on the way up the elevator, I sucked the tears back into my eyeballs, and went into his room excited to see him.
Whenever his oppurtunity arose to become confused/upset, I insisted on controlling the conversation & added plenty of laughs, hugs, and (surprise-) smiles.
I had to.
If you ask me, things are looking up.
He was transferred to another outpatient facility that day, and will be there for a few short days (hopefully), then he'll be sent home.
I can't send all of you enough thanks as far as helping me through this.
If you care to send a card, his address is as follows;
Paul Katona
5476 Vicaris Street
Philadelphia, PA
Thanks so much, and always-
I love My Sweet Amy.
Couldn't have done it without her...
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