What's the ideal yet practical amount of time for your stay?

Travel discussion for St. John
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Post by BeAsUR »

We always do a 9 day trip-2 days spent with travel gives 7 days fully on island. I would never do less than 7 days on island.
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Post by bubblybrenda »

Two weeks is optimal for me.

Too far to travel for just a week and from 3-week vacations I've taken... well I am usually homesick into week #3.
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Post by Maggy »

bubblybrenda wrote:Two weeks is optimal for me.

Too far to travel for just a week and from 3-week vacations I've taken... well I am usually homesick into week #3.
Agree, two weeks is ideal. It takes us 36 hours to get there, so one week is a little short. To be there two weeks, we have to use 2,5 weeks including travel time.

That said, I go one week also. One week is definitely better than 0 weeks :lol:

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Post by adsjayhawk »

I'm with you on the two weeks!

Five years ago we went for one week and wished we could stay longer. Two years later we were going back and fourth between two weeks at a villa we could afford for two weeks or a little more expensive one and 10 days. After a while I insisted :twisted: on two weeks. Since I/we were take two weeks off from work, I wanted to spend as much time as possible on island! As soon as we unpacked our bags at the villa for the two week stay, we sat down by the pool with our beverage of choice and my wife turns to me and says "I'm sooooooooo glad we're here for two weeks!" 8) She had the biggest smile on her face I have ever seen!

We've taken two weeks every year, since then! :D :D
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Post by JT »

We did 10 days once and that was way to short for me. We've also done 3 weeks, which other then the money factor, was pretty cool. Two weeks is the bare minimum comfort level for me.
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Post by islandjo2010 »

Hey Everyone,

We haven't even made it to STJ for our first trip yet and I am already worried 2 weeks won't be long enough! :lol:

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Post by dctac »

I think we all are lucky folks who escape to the carribean every year..I feel sorry for the folks who don't have it to look forward to......
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Post by papabou »

with the bride, she's been 3 times for 6 nights, but says now likes 10 (about right for us) but would consider 8 nights (both agree a day better than 7). for a soc sec recep, have to admit it's not an easy trip. but she is thoughtful, has consented to my going with a friend (male with similar interests) 4 times and 4, 4, 5 & 6 nights were all great. it's amazing how much time is saved when only 2 guys by "just doing" vs planning and B*t*hing & moaning when you are catering to the weaker sex.

caveat: we fly free space available out of atl and would never spring for the airfares for less than 7 nights. old folks must spend their soc sec checks wisely.

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Post by lawmom »

Y'all have been so great to give such insightful answers. So glad that I found this place to cohort with fellow STJ nuts.
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Post by Bigcheeze »

I think we are all blessed to be able to debate how long we should go,,,,lol.

As I can tell, most of us are from the USA as the Canadians or Europians would be taking a month off at a time.

That being said...2 days of the vacation are travel days...fun but hectic. so we do a 9-10 usually and I like flying out Tuesday and back the following Fri. It's like 2 weeks off from work( I own an ad agency). We always have traveled with our kids for 8 years and will do so until the are on their own. I'm guessing they wil call us to find out when the trip to the Islands is when they are older too.
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Post by Gromit »

I think it's all a matter of priorities. I know some folks who spend as much or more $$$ going to the Outer Banks NC as we do on a STJ vacay for the same amount of time.

Sure we may share a villa with others or adjust stay times according to financial comfort level but it's matter of knowing what matters to you.

I find that the more we travel down, the less I need. This upcoming trip is probably our most low key ever, the longest stay and as cheap or cheaper than past trips that were shorter.

It's going to be an exercise in self-exploration to determine what I really "need" to be happy and comfortable and my sense is I really "need" a lot less than I think I do.

And don't worry, I'll do a trip report that will allow anyone who wants to to take that trip with me!!

We've a had this discussion before on the forum. Some folks have office mates that think they're "rich" cause they go to STJ all the time or go for two weeks etc.

When the reality is that they have made different trade offs in their lives - drive older cars, smaller house, eat out less, buy less stuff so that they can afford these kinds of trips; instead of the bigger house, fancier car, buy anything they want and can't afford to travel.

It's all a matter of priorities. For me STJ is a drug and I need my "fix" at least once a year if not more!!
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Post by deejayjay »

We've always gone for 10-11 days. Must avoid travel days on the weekend. Much more relaxing that way. Would love to go for a month some time. But hate to board the dog for that long, and can't figure out how to take him with us. His behavior and training is excellent, but he's a German Shepherd. Won't exactly fit under the seat. Some of our family thinks we are moving there. Can't see living there. Too hard. But definately a month would be nice. But for the dog. . .
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Post by Pickle »

Two weeks is ideal for us.

Usually we can go to St. John no more than once a year, so two weeks is minimum for that "one trip" we can make to the island.

This year we are going for 18 days. After making all the reservations, except for flights, for our two-week trip, we realized we could add 4 days to the tail end of the trip. We debated it for a minute and went for it. We'll see how it goes.
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Post by beachplums »

Gromit wrote:

"And don't worry, I'll do a trip report that will allow anyone who wants to to take that trip with me!!"

I want to, I want to!!

We usually take 10-14 days when traveling to the Caribbean or Costa Rica, but our trips to Europe, Asia, Turkey etc. are at least 3 weeks.

We are lucky (now empty-nesters) in that I do not work and my DH gets 8 weeks vacation plus 5 personal days, so we are enjoying "seeing the world" while we are still somewhat healthy.
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