The ULTIMATE Hot Mess Trip Report- Day 6

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The ULTIMATE Hot Mess Trip Report- Day 6

Post by Xislandgirl »

Day 6

You have been warned….this day is a big HOT MESS. It is also one of the best days I have had…ever. It was just great!

We wake up and have breakfast.
It is Cloudy
See a trend?

Boston Mike arrives today. We promised that we would meet him at the dock with beers, but that is not until later so throw in some laundry, I think, and then head into town.
We decide to go to Gecko Gazebo/ Sun Dog for lunch. We sit at the bar and order. Mahi Tacos for me, Steak Caeser for Chip. Food comes and after a few bites, I decide I want hot sauce. Kim hands me the bottle, I open it and it explodes. Truly and actually explodes. ALL OVER ME. ALL OVER MY CLOTHES! Chip got a little too and I will say that I am very lucky that I didn’t get any on my eyes. We laughed. I mean what else could we do. I cleaned up as best I could, enjoyed the free beer that I got for my inconvenience, finished my lunch and we headed back to Harborview to clean up.

Bev sent a text to say that their villa had a showing so they were in town and at High Tide. Didn’t even wait for an invitation, we were in the jeep and off. We had invited my good friend Sharon to join us in town as I never get to see enough of her when we are on island.

Non Hot Mess part of this day- We had a BALL at High Tide. The drinks were great, the bartenders better, and the new owners, Jimbo and Kelli, the best. We spent time chatting with Jimbo. He is so proud to be the owner of High Tide and so excited to be able to help the community through his business. They were a successful couple before buying the restaurant and enjoyed giving back to the STJ community. They intend on donating the restaurant profits to the STJ community. We talked at length about the programs that are important and the programs that the island needs.
GO TO HIGH TIDE. The food is great, the staff is great, and you will be helping the island. This is a win-win for everyone and I will tell anyone that will listen about Jimbo and Kelli!

Ok, back to the Mayhem!

Did I mention that the drinks were good and that the mitten came out to play?
We met Boston Mike and the saint that married him with icy cold beers and they headed up to their condo.
We continued to drink.
And drink
Bev and Sharon were already old friends and we were all having a blast.
Then we were hungry so we paid our tab and headed to Banana Deck since Bev and Steve had already eaten once at High Tide that day.

This is where things get cloudy, pictures get racy, and the mitten comes of age.
It started to rain. Thunder and Lightning too. It was pouring.
This is when Bev and I decided that it would be a great idea to dance in the rain.
And dance we did.
Sharon joined us and Chip and Steve shook their heads and took pictures.
We laughed and laughed and danced.
It was so much fun….but, well, the pictures tell the true story but…I was a HOT MESS.
Chip paid the bill and we all decided that it was a good idea get the dancing girls home.
BUT, it doesn’t end there….
I set the mitten on the hood of the jeep and Bev asks what the bar is behind me. Sharon and I say Larry’s, and she says that they have never been so we have to go in and show them the pour your own bar.
We just had one and the boys are really sure we need to get home.
But where is the mitten?
I can not find it, where did I leave it.
Slim Man walks up laughing. I left it on the hood and he rescued it from the rain.
He was the hero of the night.
ImageI believe that I changed into dry clothes and passed out when we got home…at least that is what Chip says.

It was a damn good day. One of the best, really. I embrace my Hot Mess-ness!
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Post by Coden »

That is a Hot Mess Day for sure!! So glad you had such a wonderful day, everyone should have days just like that! :)
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Post by bevm »

Hot Damn!!!! That was a fun night!!!! Probably one of the best I've ever had on-island! Just being silly and crazy and out of control (so unlike me..... :roll:
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Post by piscesgirl0314 »

SO fun it!
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Post by ski2play »

I absolutely love dancing in the rain! Great Reports!
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Post by Backtotheislands »

Sounds like a perfect day to me . . . except for the exploding hot sauce! My DH always thinks I need to get "home" before I do! :wink:
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Post by sea-nile »

I love it! You managed to have a blast despite the rain and you did not sulk about it or whine. Looks like it was a lot of fun!
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