horror story...

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horror story...

Post by theoverman »

...picture this, you buy one of those water wallets because you're so frickin' smart...you drive out to haulover bay for a snorkel...stash your credit cards, id, cash, and the jeep key into this thing put it in your suit pocket and close the velcro flap...go snorkeling (pretty good actually)...get to shore and it's gone.
...jeep is locked with phone inside...

screwed...monday is not going well...

the overbabe is not amused with my fuc'up...i march down the beach to a group of kayakers to commandeer a vessel to search for the damn thing...well these sweet midwest folks set me out on a kayak and then they mobilized to join in the search...we covered the whole dam bay for an hour...no dice...get this...they offer us their jeep to drive all the way to cruz for a new key and hand us a $50 dollar bill in case we need it..(.this is not fiction)...we drive the 50 hills back to town for our new $175 car key with the snazzy computer chip in it...we can't even go back to our cruz bay villa to get money because the house key was locked in the jeep at haulover bay...ahh vacation...drive 50 hills back the other way to return their jeep and reclaim ours...we thank them but can't repay them...we return the next day to try the 'maybe it sank' theory and snorkel for the little bastard...no dice again...an amazing escape by the elusive water wallet...we dropped off $50 to their house for a last day jeep fill-up as thanks...

so if anyone happens to find it the cash is yours but the key is worth $175 to us when we return it to the rental place. (we snorkeled the left side around the point a bit on march 10)

the ultimate irony, getting a device to keep your belongings safe from being stolen by the benevolent people that eventually save you.
a cosmic kick in the groin.

lessons: stjohn karma is sweet and don't trust velcro.
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Marcia (Mrs. Pete)
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Post by Marcia (Mrs. Pete) »

What a story. Gotta love those MIdwestern folks though. :)

And, be sure that if we happen upon your stash, while on vacation this spring, we'll mail the whole thing to you...money and all. Although, I don't believe we'll be snorkeling Haulover. But, it's possible that puppy might drift and you never know where it might turn up.
Marcia (Mrs. Pete)

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Post by cptnkirk »

I'll keep an eye out for it in May. Haulover is on the snorkel list. We midwest folks are a nice bunch but I don't believe I would have been that nice. Would have given ya a ride though. Thats a great story you'll be tellin for a long time.
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Post by Roberto »

Man, that is a horror story.I've always been uncomfortable with the vehicle keys in my trunks before the days of electronics. Not too long ago here was a post by someone else who lost them.

It's going to be interesting if they ever show up.
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Post by Diana2 »

So for those of going to STJ soon and expecting to snorkel Haulover (north or south??) give us a better description of the thing that we should be looking for. Color, hard or soft, size???? We'd like to help find your keys and stuff.
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Post by RickG »

We are going to Haulover North this afternoon. We'll keep an eye out. Odds are that it's at Sopers Hole by now.

Cheers, RickG
S/V Echoes - Coral Bay - St. John, VI
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Post by Nic in KC »

Oh wow! I'm so sorry to hear about that difficulty and so glad there were people around to help you out! Last trip I lost the key out of my shorts pocket after snorkeling Waterlemon. I realized it wasn't there about 1/4 of the way back to the car. We went back praying all the way and along the way people were helping us look. It was right in the rocks at water's edge. I was sooo thankful!

It'll be crazy if someone on this forum finds it for you, but stranger things have happened. We'll be down that way in May so if we find anything, we'll let you know!

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Post by theoverman »

thanks guys, i know it's a long shot but anyway, it's about 4"x6" translucent blue with a black top closure thingy and a long black cord (that i shoulda tied off somewhere damit) and we snorkeled the south side under the round house on the hill (where the awesome midwesterners were staying). hope you all have great weeks down there and it's a relief to hear island blues is sticking around. thanks, o'man.
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lost wallet

Post by Rachelle & Joe »

Holy cow !!! what a BUMMER !!!! So Sorry for u !!we'll be there in May also & will keep an eye out ! Again feel realy Bad about this ! Glad u had some Realy nice folks around to lend a helping hand !
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Post by dtom417 »

good story but i would have been pretty pissed.i usually tie the water wallets string to the string on my swim trunks then put it in the velcro pocket.haven't had any troule yet,hopefully it will stay that way.
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Post by sherban »

Overman- Sorry to hear about the bad Mojo, wish you better mojo soon!

Hey, at least you aren't here working...

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Post by Ondine »

Haulover was one of my favs last trip, I'll take a look this May when I return, bummer of an experience, though incredible to find such wonderful help. Seems to be common on STJ to hear about good people doing good.
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