STJ Trip Report Day 5, Easter Sunday

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STJ Trip Report Day 5, Easter Sunday

Post by KatieH »

Day 5, Easter Sunday

The kids are up early and they feast on Easter basket goodies for breakfast. The moms head out to the balcony with their morning coffee. The seas look calmer today and we decide to spend the day at Trunk Bay. The taxi arrives quickly (this should have been a warning) and we head off with our beach chairs in hand.

It appears our driver is a recent graduate of the Richard Petty Driving Experience. He heads off for Trunk Bay at record breaking speeds, stopping only for the requisite photo op at the Caneel overlook, and otherwise tailgating anyone who dares drive in front of him. I'm thankful that the kids are sitting on the inside seats - and wonder if I'll lose my chair, my beach bag or my breakfast, before we arrive.

There aren't a lot of people on the beach today, perhaps they've gone to church. We are worshipping at the Church of the Soft Sands, and are truly grateful to be here. I've forgotten my anti-fog solution (saliva doesn't seem to work for me) and buy some at the gift shop. The remora and I head out to the snorkel trail and are pleased to see that the visibility has greatly improved. Snorkeling with the Remora is like snorkeling with a Jr. Jacques Cousteau. He went through a marine biology phase from kindergarten through third grade, and could name almost everything we saw on the trip, though we're still debating the fish that looked sort of like a Cobia. We saw the usual wrasses, parrotfhsh, surgeon fish (tang) and sargeant majors. I wish I had taken notes, but suffice to say that while it wasn't spectacular snorkeling, it was the best we'd seen this trip, and we were encouraged that it would only get better.

We call home and hear family tales of Ham and Lamb, and temps that are in the 40's. We do our Nanny Nanny Boo Boo routines (we're really not very nice people) and proceed to the snack stand for hot dogs, cheeseburgers, fries, and yes, some Pina Coladas.

The kids enjoy body surfing and playing in the sand. We try a post - lunch snorkel but things are churned up again, so we float lazily on the waves and agree that we are two lucky chicks. We call it a day around 4 or so and head back to LH to shower and change for dinner and the Blues Festival wrap up at the Beach Bar.

The sunset was spectacular. I wish I could post a photo but I think JC got some great ones, and she knows how to post them. The music at the Beach Bar is great but we've got the remoras and need to feed them before they melt down (or before we keep drinking and fall down). We decide we'll have dinner at Cafe Roma, for, as my friend J would say "A Roma Coma". Oops, they're closed (at least someone was observing Easter) so we order pizza from Senorita Pizza and walk back to the Condo (with a stop at Evert Ting, of course. I'm addicted to this store. I want to live here and be the one in charge of stocking those cute little shelves with all of those lovely little items)

I throw together a salad with some organic greens I'd gotten at Marina Market in Red Hook. We have dinner on the balcony and enjoy A&E's last night on island (don't worry - they're going back - so soon that it's almost indecent)

Tomorrow, some sad goodbyes and a day sail on The Wayward Sailor
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Post by JC »


You are doing an absolutely splendid job reporting.

However...I'm feeling somewhat challenged by your taxi driver account. Perhaps I should sell the store & move to STJ to take up No?

I suppose I have to wait to hear about Wed. Since you are only on Sunday...and all. Pity me. :wink:

Yes...I do have some really great photos of that Sunday night sunset. Not that I take great pictures...just hard to mess up that shot. WOW was that a sunset! Pictures in progres... :arrow:

Keep up the good work...


"I didn't come here...and I ain't leavin'"
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Post by KatieH »


[quote]Perhaps I should sell the store & move to STJ to take up

You'd have style, you'd have flair, you'd be THERE....:D
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Post by suzi »

HEY!!! I go to that church, too!!!
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Post by cptnkirk »

Great reports love the writing style :D
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Post by KatieH »

Thanks cptnkirk. I love your Friday beach pics!
Nic in KC
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Post by Nic in KC »

Another great report! It's helping me survive the gray, windy days we are having! I've never been in EveryTing and I think I might have to stop next trip just because of how much you like it!

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Post by chrisn »

Once again, a great time had by all! Thanks for sharing!!!
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Post by KatieH »

Hi Nicolle - Every Ting doesn't seem to have as much stuff as it did in it's old location - it's more the feeeling I get in the store. Instead of running to Starfish, I could buy cute little packages of oatmeal, crackers and cheese, single eggs, uncooked or hardboiled, bacon, cereal, muffins, beer, wine, soda, bread, and they even have a counter that serves special coffees and drinks. It was easy to pick up little things on the way back to the condo. They do have t-shirts and some music available, and also a concierge type service for booking excursions but I wouldn't consider it a great shopping experience in the sense of gifts or mementos. Make sense?
Have a great trip!
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