F The Economy Trip Report Day 3 - Forum Gathering

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Boston Mike
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F The Economy Trip Report Day 3 - Forum Gathering

Post by Boston Mike »

What a great first two days we had. No complaints here at all and Saturday seemed to set the pace in the direction our 2009 trip was going to go. We basically chilled out in the morning as I was able to make my coffee and breakfast from the items we picked up at the market on Saturday morning. It was nice one as we sat out on the deck and ate up a nice home cooked breakfast and enjoyed the sights of Cruz Bay in the early morning hours.

We packed up the jeep and headed for Cinnamon Bay for our first beach trip of 2009. It was a quick couple of hours because the wind was just sand blasting us. The skeeters carried people away. Noticed how I said people and not us. For some reason they did not want to screw with me. Most likely from all the beer pouring out me from the previous two days, or I just smelt really bad. Come to think of it, you could have put a tap in me because I was probably a walking keg. The truth to the matter is that they just don’t want to screw with the Boston blood. Man I LOVE THAT DIRTY WATER…..DA DA DAA..DI DA DA.

We both decided to head back to Lavender and chill by the pool once again. Nothing to do but breath all day, and that is pretty much what we did that day. Headed down to our favorite drinking hole the Beach Bar and attempted to get some eating in prior to the fourmites showing up. JClampet and his wife Jody came strolling in and he handed me an “F” The Economy I’m On St. John shirt. I was totally caught off guard by that one. Jim, thank you very much for that. It was really nice of you to do that. As you will read later it was perfect timing cuz as my wife will say “he can never go through dinner without getting a little something on his shirt.” Clampet and Jody took off to get something to eat and the other forumites started strolling in. I knew it was time for Boston to go down and introduce himself to everyone and that is what I did. Nicolle stayed behind for a few to hold our seats at the bar seeing that we were going to place a food order. Being the friendly person she is Ruth asked where Nicolle was and then went up and introduced herself to her. I didn’t want Nicolle to miss out on meeting these people when I did so I then went up and said let’s just go party on the beach and we can eat later. Hmmmm, did I even eat that night? The introductions took place and again it just seemed like everyone knew each other for the longest time. All these webtards…NO I mean forumites on one beach just chatting away like a bunch of school kids at recess. They are truly a great bunch of people. Nicolle was actually taken back by the entire thing. She was more like amazed at how we all came together like that and clicked and had a great time. I think when Ruth went up and introduced herself to Nicolle it helped her ease into something that she didn’t know what to expect. She did tell me later in the night that Ruthie was one cool chick.

Sun4mysoul took out the jello shots and I’m thinking that was pretty much my dinner for the night. How do I know that? Well, let’s just say I think I got more on my shirt than in my mouth. Now you know why I was glad for the timing of Clampet giving me the F the economy shirt. One and done and the change was on. New digs baby! We all headed over to the famous spice cam for our BB gathering picture. Thanks to California Girl for capturing the Kodak moment.


Then off to High Tide for more drinks and a little pole dancing. Not me, just a guy by the name of Capt Kirk. Man is he a hoot! I will admit he can use some training before applying to that new strip club over by the lumber yard. Then again he didn’t have the music to go with it, but Nicolle was willing to tip Capt for a job well done. We pretty much started to split up after a little while of just drinking a few and shooting the crap. Meeting all the forum people was awesome. I have to say you all provided some great memories that will be with me for a long time.


We decided to start heading back and stopped off at the Beach Bar for a last one for the road. We were joined by the TITS Tour and then JClampet and his wife Jody. I ran over and placed an order for a pizza to go. That place is for sale..hmmmm. That is all I am saying at this time…hmmmmmm.


Back at Lavender Hills and out on the deck. Inserted pizza into our mouths and swallowed. We finally had something to eat and it was well worth the wait.

Day three in the books!

Good night John Boy!
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Post by mahobayb »

A good time was had by all!!

Look at all of those smiling faces.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Post by bevm »

Mike give us a left to right on the Forum folk pic. We know Ruth so go from there....please.
Nice try Kirk but you're no Kellyanna! Sorry.. :wink:
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Post by StJohnRuth »

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Post by bevm »

Ruth can you tell me who everyone is. I recognize Jay and Deb and you, Sun4MySoul, Boston Mike and Kirk ..
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Post by Pianogrl »

What a great group! Looks like y'all had so much fun!
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Post by designbyroe »

I was going to ask the same thing Bev.......I knew Mike and Ruth and I guess Captn Kirk and the TITS people but there were more in that pic.
Good reporting Mike..........you are having a blast or you did and good for you and Nicole you deserved it.......

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Post by brenda »

Hi, my name is Brenda and I am a webtard. Can someone just go shoot Gary now :twisted: :roll: :lol: . It was a really fun time though.

In the picture, left to right
Ruth, Ron, NancyB's husband, nancyB, sun4mysoul (Stephanie), Boston Mike, mahobayb (Lori), cptnkirk, Kirk, Deb, Jay, Andy and Dawn (cptns friends), myself, Teresa (cptn's wife) Last guy I think is Joe from the TITS Tour?

Looking forward to the next installments!
Going "home" again October 26th!
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Boston Mike
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Post by Boston Mike »

brenda wrote:Hi, my name is Brenda and I am a webtard. Can someone just go shoot Gary now :twisted: :roll: :lol: . It was a really fun time though.

In the picture, left to right
Ruth, Ron, NancyB's husband, nancyB, sun4mysoul (Stephanie), Boston Mike, mahobayb (Lori), cptnkirk, Kirk, Deb, Jay, Andy and Dawn (cptns friends), myself, Teresa (cptn's wife) Last guy I think is Joe from the TITS Tour?

Looking forward to the next installments!
Actually the last guy is just some dude that was on the dock with his friends and decided he wanted in on the picture. Being the nice group of people that we are we all let him in. Who he is, I don't know. IS IT JOSHIE....hmmmmmm....NOT.
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Post by LMG »

It sounds like you really enjoyed every minute of your trip! That's what it's all about.
And fun people seem to help that. Good for you guys!
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