Baby Gromit Update....

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Baby Gromit Update....

Post by Gromit »

After a couple of really nice PM's from my wonderful forum family, I thought I would provide an update for anyone who is interested in the progress of my mini-gromit who is due to arrive June 18, 2011.

First of all, after a rocky start and a couple of serious scares, Baby Gromit is doing REALLY well.

I'm at 27 weeks today and HE (that's right, I'm having a little boy!) is kicking and moving and bouncing around like crazy. There's nothing like sitting in a meeting and having the little guy give me a hard punch. I swear he's either trying out for Cirque du Soleil or he's moving furniture in there!

No one tells you how crazy weird growing a whole person inside of you is. I guess, even if they did, I wouldn't have believed them anyway.

As some of you may know, Baby Gromit has been quite a surprise. Hubby nad I have been married for 12 years and tried off and on over 7-8 of those years to have a baby (with no medical intervention or anything like that) and it just never happened. We were always really casual about the whole thing and I wasn't really interested in doing anything like injections or invitro or anything like that. But after a while we just sort of gave up and moved on and figured that it just wasn't meant to be and we were honestly and truthfully fine with it.

As I said, we were moving on, I was making plans to make a serious career move and we had two weeks planned on Jost and STJ for this past December. When lo and behold this past October we found out that the universe does indeed have a sense of humor!

Due to various medical issues we were forced to cancel our STJ plans this year (hubby is still a little bitter) but we have soldiered on!

It's been fun to check in with our little man via sonogram every few weeks. He's already got quite a portfolio!

All in all, things are progressing really nicely. Baby Gromit appears to be healthy and developing right on track, which is all I can ask for.

Currently we are trying to adjust to the idea of having a whole human being to be responsible for. After all, I was only able to keep herbs alive for the first time last year! We have a corgi, but he practically takes care of himself. I am not thoroughly convinced that I am ready for this kind of responsibility but at this point I figure the jig is up and I better find a way to make it work.

Since Mr. Gromit and I are only children, you can well imagine the shock and awe the news of a gandchild produced amongst our parents.

We announced Baby Gromit's upcoming arrival at Thanksgiving. I purchased some colorful baby bottles and some really nice boxes and tissue paper and mailed them out to each immediate family member along with a letter "from the baby."

We couldn't be with everyone when they opened the boxes so we asked them to wait and not open the box until we called. It was so sweet and moving to hear them on the other end of the line open the boxes and to note their surprise. They were laughing, crying and experiencing every emotion in between. It turned out to be a really cool way to share the news and provided them with a keepsake of the memory.

Needless to say that they are THRILLED and my hippie in-laws are happily shopping for little tie-dye t-shirts and onesies and mini overalls to go with them.

I have no doubt that I will have the best dressed and coolest little man ever. My mom even bought him little swim trunks and a rash guard. They have lost their minds!

Overall, I am doing well despite my old lady (39 year old) status. I was terribly afraid that the OB/GYN (who I have been seeing for 15 years) would look at me in horror and say somehting like, "What were you thinking?"

As it turns out, she was like, "Geez, it's about TIME lady!" Turns out, being 39 and a first time Mom is not such a shocker these days and is not all that unusual. They treat me like everyone else, which I love.

Flip Flop has been a great source for advice and counsel for all things pregnancy related and went shopping with me for baby clothes a few weeks ago. So nice to have a coach with you for this crazy stuff! She's throwing my Baby shower in a few weeks and I've made her promise no crazy games!

Mr. Gromit, of course has been my ROCK throughout and continues to prove to me over and over again how lucky I am to have married such an amazing man. He doesn't know it yet, but he's going to make a wonderful father, just in time for Father's day this year!

So with 13 more weeks to go, we are clearing out the second bedroom, moving things to the basement, touching up paint, ordering a crib and generally trying to make room for baby. My goal is to get everything done and settled by June 1st in case our little man intends to make an early arrival. I'd just assuem he didn't because I need ALL THE TIME I CAN GET to be ready for this little guy.

Right now, if all goes well and we can find a daycare provider that won't bankrupt us, we plan to be back on island with Baby Gromit in early December, 2012.

He'll be 18 months old by then and I can't wait to introduce him to the island and the many people I love who are are living on it.

Sure, it will have been a long time (our longest break ever) since our last visit, but I have a feeling that time will fly with the little one in our lives.

So, that's about it. Three months to go and we'll add another STJ lover to the world.

Thanks again for all the warm and reassuring PM's. Every day I am reminded of how lucky I am to know so many wonderful and amazing people.

Hugs to all,

Me and Baby Gromit
*Another fine scatterbrained production
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Post by canucknyc »

Aww this was exactly the sort of thing I needed to read today. So glad to hear you and Baby G are doing well. And thanks for the smile!
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Post by byado18 »

The best kind of post!

Hooray for all the Gromits! Can't wait to see pictures!

You will rock as parents!
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Post by augie »

Enjoy every precious moment of the experience.

Another thing that a lot of people will tell you is that you'll be amazed at how quickly the time passes. And there will be days that you will wish that it would pass even faster. But those days will be swamped by the ones that you wish would last forever.

How am I so sure? Our baby boy is 18 today, that's how.

I'm so glad that yours is doing so well. Have a fantastic journey!
Come see us!
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Post by jaq w »

Now how to explain to the boss why I have tears rolling down my face.

Congrats again!
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Post by Greenskeeper »

What a great post. After all the sadness in the world in recent days, hearing a story like yours is uplifting. It gives hope- you know? So happy for you and happy to hear you and baby Gromit are healthy! Please keep us updated.
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Post by Lovermont »

Thanks for the update. I'm so glad that the sailing has been smooth for the last few months. I can hardly wait to see pictures of the little guy.
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Post by Puddlejumper »

Ha! That's so cool! My wife and I are expecting a boy on the same date...June 18! And we are beyond the 'normal' child bearing years more than you! And all are well.

Congrats to the Gromits!
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Post by PA Girl »

Thanks for the update, I was wondering about you!
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Post by FinsUp »

Congrats to you and Mr. Gromit!!! How exciting to be awaiting your baby boy!! Thanks for the update and can't wait to see pictures. :D
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Post by chicagoans »

I'm so glad you posted! I've been thinking about you, Mr. G, and Baby G.

What a wonderful way to share your news with your family! Very sweet.

I'm delighted that you are enjoying this amazing experience and especially glad that you and Baby G are doing so well.
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Post by loria »

Oh, that is a wonderful update!!! So gald that everyone is doing well--as lou reed said 'it's the beginnning of a great adventure'
cn't wait to hear more....
< leaving on the 22nd of march...but too lame to figure out the ticker thing again!>
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Post by JJShaw »

YEAH!!!...glad you all 3 are doing well..Keep us posted...:)
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Post by mindehankins »

Awwww....that just made me all teary, too! I am so happy for you! Of all of my roles in life, "mom" is so very, very precious to me.
And congratulations to puddlejumper, too!!!

Someone said "Babies are God's way of saying the world should go on....."

I like that!
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Post by Sun4MySoul »

If there were a "LIKE" button on this Forum, this is when I would use it.

Good luck in your new adventure!
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