Blaine and Minde back to St. John - trip report

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Blaine and Minde back to St. John - trip report

Post by mindehankins »

As I have blathered on and on about, Blaine and I joyfully made our third trip to St. John, on 4/23-5/1/11. We've benefitted so much from all the advice and encouragement of this forum, so we're sharing some thoughts and pictures from the trip.

I am frugal by nature and convention, and make our trips as low budget as possible. It's part of the fun for me, to plan and save money. With three college kids, it's also a necessity. Sometimes my efforts are thwarted by my well-meaning husband. For example: I'd packed fastidiously to include only one checked bag, this trip. However, when I got home the night before we left, Blaine said "I don't know what you were thinking, cramming all that into those tiny suitcases. I got the big ones down and re-packed us." His intentions were good, and he had no idea how much planning goes into packing, so we checked two bags!

Anyway, we're off, and you can follow along!

Our flights were uneventful, and we arrived on St. Thomas at about noon. We rented our car on STT this time, because there were no cars available from Courtesy. Our flight arrived about 1/2 hour early, but the folks from Amalie were right there waiting, as we made our way out of the airport. These people are on top of things. I can't say enough about their company. Here's our Jeep; brand new and beautiful!

It was waiting at the curb for us. They didn't ask us for ID or insurance information or anything! They gave us a quick run down of the "rules", directions already marked on the map, of how to get to Red Hook and groceries, and we were off!

Pia's directions to get to Red Hook were fantastic. We stopped at Food Center for groceries. They were much less expensive, I thought, than groceries on STJ. Finding and boarding the car ferry on STT was no problem at all, and we plan to do this on future trips. STT was a much friendlier, nicer place, than our taxi trip impressions had given us. We pulled up next to a nice couple of young guys who live on STJ, and asked if we were parked right, and they affirmed that we were. We followed the directions of our new friends, and the guy loading the barge, and were soon sitting up by the palm trees, for the trip to STJ.

We called Caribbean Villas when the barge took off, and they gave us directions to meet Jane (Sunny's wife) near the tennis courts. She showed us around, though we didn't need much orientation, and then we were off to Candi's for ribs!

Candi has a new jerk sauce that you can order, instead of her traditional sauce, if you like things spicy. I ordered the regular ribs, and Blaine the jerk sauce ribs. We liked them both. You cannot beat the fast and friendly service, good food or ribs at Candi's.
After dinner, we returned to Cruz Views to bask in the glory of the view, and being alone on vacation. We unpacked and relaxed on our deck until bedtime.

On Sunday, our first full day on island, we skipped breakfast and headed right out the door. We stopped at Deli Grotto for sandwiches and coconut bars, and drove the beautiful North shore to Francis. I misdirected us on where to park, so we ended up parking on the Francis Bay walking trail, which passes some ruins and leads to the North end of the beach.

We had the place all to ourselves for a bit, but it was never busy there. We headed right in for a snorkel and were a bit disappointed at the visibility, but it was fun nonetheless! We immediately came upon some lovely turtles, and a big barracuda:

and then had our sandwiches for breakfast! I was in and out of the water all day, while this became Blaine's M.O.:

He watched me play around and float, and enjoyed many books and much relaxation! As I said, the visibility wasn't good, but I saw some pretty sights like this:

...and then this, that made my day!


He came out of nowhere and was gone in just a second! I wish I'd gotten a better pic of him, but I couldn't find him after the first pic, and am kind of surprised that I had the presence of mind to take a pic at all! He was awesome! A good 6 foot wingspan and 10 foot tail. Back at the condos, another couple had seen him as well, in the same bay. They'd been looking for one, for 33 years. I was so lucky to find him in just 3. The bay was loaded with conch, and I wonder if that's why he was hanging around there.


We headed back to Cruz Views and relaxed the late afternoon away. I'd figured out the ipad and came here to post my jubilation at being back on St. John, and seeing an eagle ray. It was nice to be able to share.... Few of my "real life" friends understand :) :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Post by toni »

welcome home minde! how do you like the re-entry to wny weather from stj weather? :(

great report so far; looking forward to more pics and stories!
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Post by jaq w »

Wonderful report, I can almost taste those ribs! How long was the walk on the Francis Bay trail?
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Post by augie »

So happy that you guys not only made it there with little to no apparent hassle, but were able to settle right in and get off to a great start!

Isn't it amazing how much more relaxed and familiar with things/places you become after the "seasoning" of just a trip or two?

[Note to newbies: Despite what I just wrote, our excitement at being on St. John still hasn't diminished, even with a half dozen or so trips under our belts!]
Come see us!
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Post by PA Girl »

The luggage thing made me laugh, the same thing happens in our house except I am your husband in the situation.

Like the idea of Candi's jerk sauce.
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Post by mindehankins »

Toni: there are blossoms, at least!

Jaq: Only about 5-10 minutes tops. As we approached the beach but didn't know that yet, we WERE starting to wonder if we should turn back!

Augie: Yes! The transition to vacation mode was instant, and seamless, this time! Just as joyful, no less exciting (as you can tell by my daily notes LOL) but knowing where you are, how things will work, and what to expect made a huge difference!

PA girl: I didn't mind,but thought it was so funny that I'd made lists and planned so carefully, and it all went right out the window.
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Post by liamsaunt »

What a great first snorkel of the trip! Looking forward to reading about the rest of your adventures. :D
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Post by ski2play »

Delightful....your pictures and the story that goes with them are simply delightful.....Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to more! 31 days for this newbie....the girl is just about bouncing off the walls! Good thing we are flying into Ft Lauderdale this weekend for a "minimoon" prior to the "maximoon" tee hee! Please continue with your story........
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Post by FinsUp »

Minde, Awesome start to your week on the rock!! Thanks for sharing.
Did you get beverages from the little store at RedHook?
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Post by ColumbiaSCTraveler »

This August will be our third trip in three years. We have never gone to Francis, but after this post, it will definitely make the short list this year!
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Post by msgcolleen »

Super quick start to your report Minde! I feel like you should still be there!
I don't know why I'm so chicken to rent a car on STT and drive onto the car barge to STJ! You made it look so easy! I might try it someday~ :shock:
Candi's = yummy!
Francis Bay and your underwater shots were beautiful and that Eagle Ray!?! I would have flipped out!
Can't wait to see if that ray is still around 3 months from now! :lol: **Thanks for sharing**
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Post by cindygad »

so excited for another trip report. Love the picture of your husband eating the ribs! Great picture of the ray he was huge!
California Girl

Post by California Girl »

Loving your report Minde! I'm heading to Francis this week to see if that Eagle Ray is still there! What luck you had!!!! :D
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Post by mindehankins »

Ski: I understand bouncing off the walls! Enjoy your minimoon!

Fins: We got cold drinks, as well as groceries, at the Food Mart, so didn't need to stop at the ferry store. Driving ourselves around added some much needed perspective to St. Thomas. It isn't big and scary at all! I feel bad for ever feeling that way, but that was our perspective based on the taxi rides. If you let someone else do something for you, it gives the impression (to me, anyway) that you are incapable of doing that task...that it's too difficult. It wasn't difficult at all, I learned!
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Post by mbw1024 »

Fun report!
So no Candi's on Sunday huh? Well there goes that plan! LOL!
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