Tattoos-- Who's got 'Em & Who Wants 'Em?

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Tattoos-- Who's got 'Em & Who Wants 'Em?

Post by Gromit »

During the past 13 years and a multitude of visits to the USVI's I've long observed the higher ratio of tattoos amongst the visiting and transplant population.

Now, I know there are a lot of likely reasons why this is the case, ranging from people who like to spend more time in warmer climes and show more skin regularly; to the laid back attitude, offbeat and artistic leanings of those who frequent the VI.

I've long contemplated getting a small tattoo -- somewhere -- but always end up bailing because I live and work in a very conservative world, in a very conservative job.

But I was wondering...

1) How many folks on this board have tattoos?
2) What is your tattoo of (describe it) and where is it?
3) If you don't have a tattoo -- have you ever seriously contemplated getting one?

Just curious...
*Another fine scatterbrained production
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Post by alw1977 »

I don't have a tattoo, and I've never seriously considered getting one for a single reason: fickleness.

If I can't bring myself to spend $300 on a purse because I'm afraid I won't like it in six months, how in the world can I choose an image that will be in permanent ink on my skin?

That being said, I've seen some very lovely tattoos and some that, well... let's just say they were clearly the result of impetuous or inebriated thinking. I'm always afraid mine would look as if it fell into the latter category.
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Post by Bug »

Hi Gromit:

I don't know if you've seen this topic on the Off Topic Forum but a couple of weeks ago there was a tread regarding tatoos. You might want to check it out :wink:

I'll answer you question:

1) I have tattoos!
2) I have 7 tattoos thus there are multiple designs in multiple places.

I also live & work in a conservative area. If you are thinking about a specific placement of your tattoo I would be glad to give you my opinions in a PM.

PA Girl
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Post by PA Girl »

I'll play. It is beautiful day in PA and I am so not into working.

I fall into #3, no tattoos but did seriously consider it in my mid-20s.

About ten years ago, I got mehindi at a spa (a STJ petroglyph design with vines and flowers) and at first loved it but after about two weeks, it started to bother me. Some mental thing where I couldn't stand the thought of a stain on my skin. It was then I decided it won't be a good idea for me.

I have a number of friends that have gotten tattoos in the past year. A few of them shocked the heck out of me as they are conservative women.
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Post by Mary L »

I have one, I just got it in January of this year. It was the first anniversary of my sons death, so I thought I would get it in memory of him. And I love it. I'm going to get angel wings put on the sides. It is in the middle of back near the top of my neck, it didn't hurt either.

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Post by 17th Hole »

I don't have any yet, but I'll probably have one soon. I've picked out what I want but I'm going to sit on it for a bit to see if I still like it. I bounce back and forth in my mind with "Do I really want this on my body forever?" to "Ah, who cares if it's on my body forever, just do it!" If/when I get it, I may post a picture for anybody who cares to see it.
Last edited by 17th Hole on Fri May 30, 2008 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open.

California Girl

Post by California Girl »

Tattoos are not something I want, but I love to see other peoples' tats. My nephew-in-law owns a tattoo studio and is very tattooed.. one of the nicest guys on the planet!

If I were to get a tattoo, I'd probably go to him and have a tribal arm band done on my upper arm. Some kind of Polynesian pattern. My choice of area is with the thought that it won't sag so much with age like my boobs or butt.
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Post by chicagoans »

None for me, although some of my friends have 'tramp stamps' that I think are kind of cute. But I don't relish the thought of how the tattoo would look in 10, 15, ... years. I've never really liked the look of tattoos on old skin. And like alw1977, they're just too permanent for me to think that I'd like the same design forever. (It would be different if I were commemorating someone, like Mary.)

The biggest reason though is because of my kids. Lots of kids eventually want to do things beyond what their parents do or did. If I get a tattoo, will they want to up the ante, and with what? Lots of tattoos? Piercings all over their faces? For some that's great, but it's not exactly my favorite look and I think it can be very limiting, professionally. If they want to rebel someday by dying their hair purple, great, it will grow out. But tattoos are forever so I don't want to give them any ideas!
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Post by chicagoans »

PS -- I have considered getting a smaller butt tattooed over my actual butt. But I don't think that would work.
California Girl

Post by California Girl »

chicagoans wrote:PS -- I have considered getting a smaller butt tattooed over my actual butt. But I don't think that would work.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by RickG »

I haven't really thought much about getting my own tattoos, I don't know why. I like tasteful tattoos, small or large, and I like to hear the stories behind them.

My current favorites are those of Anthony Mangieri, the owner and pizza man at Una Pizza Napoletana ( He has his proud sleeves displayed working pizza in photos in the most recent Wine Spectator.

Cheers, RickG
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Post by LC »

I have a tattoo, but agree with ALW1977 and PAGirl. I really thought about my tattoo...planned for it, looked, waited, etc. But then, when it was actually on my skin, had that moment of "oh crap, what did I do?" So even though I thought beforehand that I was ok with it being there forever, when it was actually there had a change of heart. :oops:

Anyway, I still like my tattoo. Am glad I got it on my back, where it's only seen when I want it to be. But would I do it again - no.
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Post by Sun4MySoul »

I'll play too. I'm supposed to be putting down ceramic tile in my house this weekend..but I'm currently avoiding the scrapping part.

Here is a pic of my tattoo next to the Full Moon over our villa on the Feb STJ trip. I got the tat when I was 18. Didn't think about it, but don't regret it. It had a deeper meaning at the time, but now just reminds me that life is short and constantly changing, so let the sun shine in while you can!

<a href=" ... b08077.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" ... b08077.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
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Post by deejayjay »

I never wanted a tattoo, and I still don't. However, 2 months ago I got a tatoo. It was the last step of my reconstruction after breast cancer. I must say it is not ever going to be seen by the general public, and I love it. It matches the other side perfectly. Hopefully I'll never need another tattoo Just a use for tatoos, that is generally not thought of. Just a little FYI and TMI probably
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Post by stjohnmay2003 »

I have 1, it's a palm tree on the outside of my leg above my ankle.
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